www.gusucode.com > 基于马尔科夫随机场的图像分割matlab源码。包括ICM迭代条件模式求解最大后验概率算法 > code23/matlab MRF toy examples/getLogProb.m

    % getLogProb(nodes);
% get log probability for a node configuration.
% res is the results image for which we will evaluate the log prob.
% oct. 11, 2003  wtf
function [logprob] = getLogProb(nodes, N, M, res);

logprob = 0;
for iNode = 1:length(nodes)
    [ln, ii, jj] =  getRasterNeighbors(iNode, N, M);
    node = nodes{iNode};
    logprob = log(node.localEvidence(1+res(ii,jj))) + logprob;
    for nl = 1:node.nLinks
        link = node.links{nl};
        % 0.5 because we count each link twice, in this way
        [ln,iifar,jjfar] = getRasterNeighbors(link.farsIndex,N,M);
        logprob = logprob + 0.5* log( link.propMat(res(iifar, jjfar)+1,...
            res(ii, jj)+1));